john armfield descendants

The nicest families in the Shenandoah tipped people into the pipeline south. I have sold out all my negroes to one man for eight thousand dollars! he told his wife. The two most ruthless domestic slave traders in America had a secret language for their business. (Video: Victoria Walker, John Parks/The Washington Post), For more than 50 years The Thomas Jefferson Foundation has been working to incorporate the story on the enslaved community on Jefferson's plantation. Records of that part of the journey do not survive, nor do records about the individual slaves in the coffle. He was born in 1789 to a wealthy planter family in Tennessee that owned a significant number of enslaved people, according to Rothman. Each carried 5 to 50 slaves. All these people came from Virginia, she says. Armfield did not want to pay for passage, not with his hundreds. While still a boy, Armfield ran away from home, vowing not to return until he had acquired more wealth than his father, Nathan Armfield. Slaves were routinely insuredplenty of companies did that sort of business, with policies guarding against damage. But collecting on such damage would be inconvenient. At the time, John Armfield was lacking in purpose: Shiftless and footloose, he had recently been chased away from a county in North Carolina for fathering a child out of wedlock, Rothman said. His book, Slaves in the Family (1998) won the National Book Award and was a New York Times bestseller. It was typical on the Slave Trail: People like Waller marched a coffle and sold one or two people along the way to pay the travel bills. The companys agents sent people down to Franklin & Armfields slavepens (another word that has disappeared) in Alexandria, just nine miles south of the U.S. Capitol: seamstresses, nurses, valets, field hands, hostlers, carpenters, cooks, houseboys, coachmen, laundresses, boatmen. Sometimes they were forced to. He had grown up near Gallatin, 30 miles northeast of Nashville, and he went there during off months. Kenneth Thomson brings out some daguerreotypes of the Franklins and others in his family tree. They bought shoes for them, blankets for them, brought in doctors to treat them. And this is one of its most horrific chapters.. The way you transcend the hurt and pain is to face the situation, experience it and cleanse yourself, to allow the humanity of our ancestors and their suffering to wash through you and settle into your spirit.. In their heyday, Isaac Franklin and John Armfield sold between 1,000 and 2,000 enslaved people per year, and by the time Franklin died in 1846, his estate was valued at $710,000 almost $24. No. Especially for travelers, the markets were a rival to the French Opera House and the Thtre dOrlans. On the ground, a carpet of mud, and leaves beneath it, and dirt under the leaves. A lot of black people, she said, do not want to know about their ancestry. He showed young Isaac how it was done, apprenticed him. Oh, no. They probably would have had to kill me, with my temperament. She laughs again. So as far as hating him, I dont have a strong dislike for him. Franklin disposed of their bodies in a bayou down the road. Waller and his gang reached the Valley Turnpike in October. Later the same wagons hauled those who had collapsed and could not be roused with a whip. Shoes with crepe soles. He was a strict Quaker and a school teacher by profession. Bradley Beal hits season high as Wizards fight to the finish in Atlanta, For Ovechkin in winter, a deadline sell-off makes sense this spring, Commanders cut Carson Wentz and Bobby McCain, clearing cap space, is used to host events including Methodist retreats. The negroes are happy, he says repeatedly. I walk First Street next to the river and stop in front of a shop, Memories Past and PresentAntiques and Collectibles. A man named Daniel starts a conversation. They packed flatboats with whiskey, tobacco, cotton and hogs, floated them down to New Orleans, sold the goods on the levee, and then sold the boat, Thomson says. It was bigger than the immigration of Jews into the United States during the 19th century, when some 500,000 arrived from Russia and Eastern Europe. After Emancipation, now a freedman of about 20, Glenn remembered the name of his hometownRoxboro. But because of their background and lack of education, they just sort of slid into slavery. John Armfield (abt. An act of Congress is needed. The whole amount of sales for the twentythe entire group that had come with him from Virginiais $12,675. (About $400,000 now.) Many things in the Old Testament are pretty barbaric, but they are part of our evolution.. His wife and children greeted him. He was not describing the Forks, a mile east of the nice part of town. The slave cabins were vacant. As the steamboat churned to dock, it passed ships berthed five or six deep, miles of them, from all nations of the earth, bringing in their products and carrying away ours. The arrival, gangplank on the levee, cargo everywhere. I pull in at various towns and ask around. By the polite invitation of Mr. Ware, as he put it, I passed over a hundred miles with no white persons visible and got here to Natchez in four days. He trotted into town in early 1848, the dwindling gang behind him. It was at the beginning of the 1800s. Red flags fluttered down the streets in Richmond, on Wall Street in Shockoe Bottom, she said. In the morning during winter, the high selling season, black people were marched in circles in front of the dealers shacks. From the beginning, they divvied the work according to each mans strength: Armfield, based in Virginia, managed the buying side of things and arranged transportation, Rothman said. No commands given by anyone, no noise about it, no talking in the ranks, no laughter or merriment, just marching, round and round. It is a refrain among Southern whites who remain emotionally attached to the plantation daysthat one in 1,000 slaveholders who were black vindicates in some fashion 999 who were not. A month ago the bridge was uncovered with a backhoe by a developer, Boxley says. In 1833, he wrote the office back in Virginia about fancy girls he had on hand, and about one in particular whom he wanted. At the Forks, there were no auctions, only haggling. His plantation is gone, but this is where he arranged for a married couple, neighbors, to see Wallers Virginia gang. Behind the men were the women and girls, another hundred. Among them were the field hand Nelson, plus his wife; a man called Piney Woods Dick and another nicknamed Runaway Boots. The old railroad station, a wooden building with deep eaves, is a used-record store. Both institutions broke attendance records. In his late teens, right around the time the United States passed a law barring the transatlantic slave trade, Franklin and his older brothers grew interested in the domestic version: They began transporting small numbers of enslaved people between Virginia and the Deep South. You see, our history is often buried, she says. After an hour of this, the showing of the lively stock, the enslaved stood in rows on long overhanging porches. Born in North Carolina, he worked as a stagecoach driver before meeting Isaac Franklin and joining him in the business of selling enslaved men, women, and children for profit. He whiled away his final years managing his estates and spending time with his three children and wife, Adelicia Hayes, whom records indicate he adored. I put the car on the shoulder and walk into the woods to find the real Natchez Trace. They were not handcuffed, although they may have been tied with rope. History The history of Beersheba Springs Assembly is complicated; birthed in a spirit of healing and retreat, it thrived from the capital investment of notorious slave trader John Armfield. As for the other half, they were probably herded onto steamboats and churned 260 miles south to New Orleans, where Isaac Franklin or one of his agents sold them, one or three or five at a time. A magnificent Greek Revival courthouse stands next to a one-room barbershop with a corrugated metal front. Franklin, Isaac, 1789-1846. John Armfield wore a big white hat and striped pants. Ten years ago there was an old beer garden standing on this site, where whites watched football and drank, and there was a gravel lot where trucks were parked. The city bought the half-acre lot in 1999, thanks largely to his agitation. People are still talking about how the slave trade was marginal, slave traders were these ostracized dirtbags, and slaveholders only bought and sold people when they had to, Rothman said. In Gallatin, I drive out to look at the old Franklin estate. Swinging back into Mississippi, Old Factors Stand, LeFleurs Stand, Crowders Stand, others. And the auction setting of choice was a place called the St. Louis Hotel, Greenwald says, a block from here.. Slaves for sale wore a uniform of sorts. A good lot for walking was a gang of enslaved men, women and children, possibly numbering in the hundreds, who could tolerate three months afoot in the summer heat. Thats good. No answer, despite several cars in the drive. This movement lasted longer and grabbed up more people than any other migration in North America before 1900. You find them repeatedly. First Name: Last Name [Advanced Search] Home Search Login Find. I do not believe that black people were responsible for their own enslavement, or that African-Americans should be grateful for slavery because they are better off than West Africans, or that a black man was author of the slave system. This story is your story as well as an African-American story. Commission merchants--Southern States--History--19th century. I am now waiting for a safe boat to set out for you, he wrote. In Knoxville, in October 1847, Waller readied his gang of 20 or more for the second half of their journey. As far as I am concerned I have had pain enough on the subject without being censured in this quarter.. And Ill tell you what nobody ever talks about. The bloodletting here has a kind of glamour. Theyre the ones who turned the business of selling humans from one part of the U.S. to another into a very modern, organized business no longer just one trader who might move a few people from one plantation to another, said Maurie D. McInnis, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin who studies the cultural history of slavery. His humanity was not always visible, but it was there. Thomas Dabney was an acquaintance from Virginia who had moved to Raymond, on the Natchez Trace, 12 years earlier and doubled his already thick riches as a cotton planter. The fancy trade meant women sold as forcible sex partners. I think thats interesting. Armfield has at least one direct black descendant, Rodney Williams, who wrote about his heritage - which he said he discovered through DNA testing - in an essay included in "Slavery's. No buildings on that half-acre. Here it is. Watching the things burn. The two livery coats, big-buttoned and long-tailed, were worn by an enslaved carriage driver and a doorman. Based in Alexandria, Virginia, they traded thousands of African Americans to the Deep South and secured millions in profit. Along the way, the coffle met other slave gangs, construction crews rebuilding the Wagon Road, widening it to 22 feet and putting down gravel. The exchanges granite facade can be still found on Chartres Street near the corner of St. Louis Street. The tan clapboard housefolding chairs and a hammock in the front yard, cinder blocks and planks for front stepsoverflows inside with books, LPs, folk art, old newspapers, knickknacks, clothes in piles and unidentifiable hoards of objects. It is 8 p.m., and the sun is failing. After 40 miles, the Little River Turnpike met the town of Aldie and became the Aldie and Ashbys Gap Turnpike, a toll road. (Video: Ashleigh Joplin/The Washington Post). Thomson warms up, shifts in his seat. She laughs, surprisingly. When John Armfield was born in 1763, in Guilford, North Carolina, United States, his father, Isaac Armfield Jr, was 37 and his mother, Elizabeth Brown, was 23. Beautiful houses, an antique village, a large tourist trade. In a statement, the President extended his condolences to Salilig's bereaved family. The people who accompanied him included a boy of 8 or 9 called Pleasant; Mitchell, who was 10 or 11; a teenage boy named Samson; three teenage sisters, Sarah Ann, Louisa and Lucy; Henry, about 17; a man named Nelson and his wife; a man in his 20s called Foster; and a young mother named Sarah, with her daughter Indian, about age 2. John Armfield, slave trader and businessman, descended from North Carolina Quakers who were Loyalists during the American Revolution. She was fancier than he. Waller knew his family. The coffle headed west out of Alexandria. We are only accountable if it is repeated.. She was about sixteen, dressed in a cheap striped woolen gown, and bareheaded.. And it really is a trace, the faint line of what used to be a wagon road. Enslaved persons--Correspondence. The same reporter described a noble-looking woman with a bright-eyed seven-year-old. When mother and boy stepped onto the platform, however, no bids came for them, and the auctioneer decided on the spur of the moment to put the boy on sale separately. Isaac Franklin put a building right where that muffler shop issee the peach-colored shed, across the street? 2023 Smithsonian Magazine It was March 13, 1848. Jack Keys children at Fairvue included Lucien Key, whose children included a woman named Ruby Key Hall. In fact, it is more your story than it is mine.. In 1834, Armfield sat on his horse in front of the procession, armed with a gun and a whip. You say it was 150 years ago? It is possible, of course, that Isaac Franklin sold his daughter. These children were not 10. Scholars of slavery are quite familiar with the firm of Franklin & Armfield, which Isaac Franklin and John Armfield established in Alexandria, Virginia, in 1828. As he pushed his hands down the pike, Waller felt guilty about Sarah and Indian, he told his wife. You want your history? he said. By August, Armfield had more than 300 ready for the march. It sat under a piece of glass and measured about 2 by 4 feet. As plantations talk more honestly about slavery, some visitors are pushing back, In surviving correspondence, they actually brag about raping enslaved people who theyve been processing through the firm, said Calvin Schermerhorn, a professor of history at Arizona State University. People sang. Isaac had a child by a black woman before he married, Thomson says. Neither Franklin nor Armfield earned recrimination from their peers during their lifetimes and neither man felt the slightest remorse, according to their papers. The people in them are well-dressed. Year after year the notices spreadhundreds, and then thousands. But here is a group with dozens, aged 10 to 12. One of them was led by a man named William Waller, who walked from Virginia to Louisiana in 1847 with 20 or more slaves. One in particular gives the flavor. It worked like this: Relying on a network of headhunters spread across Virginia, Maryland and the District, Armfield would round up enslaved people, holding them in an open-air pen behind the house in Alexandria or sometimes in its crowded, filthy basement until hed amassed a sufficient number: usually between 100 and 200. A singular spectacle, Featherstonhaugh wrote. Between the 1820s and 1830s, the two men reigned as the undisputed tycoons of the domestic slave trade, as Smithsonian Magazine put it. It is an easy chat between strangers, until I bring up the slave days. Bettie was sold to a man named Reed, and I was sold and carried to New Orleans and from there to Texas. This is Forks of the Road, the Y-shaped junction formed by St. Catherine Street and Old Courthouse Road, where Isaac Franklin presided. The Valley Turnpike once ran on its edge, and the coffle of 300 saw the place from the road. Although the Armfield gang vanishes from the record, it is possible to follow in detail a coffle of people on the journey from Tennessee to New Orleans, thanks to William Wallers letters. He is bearded white and gray, and half bald. Remnants of the original Trace remain out in the woods, 100 yards from the breakdown lane, mostly untouched. That comes to $140,000, or about $3.5 million today. Greenwald stands in front of two beige livery coats hanging behind a pane of glass. But something happened early on, although it is not clear just what. Thats on the Internet. In 1827, it was 1,359. The pictures are beautiful. Here, too, in the St. Louis Hotels beautiful vaulted room, families at the end of the Slave Trail were divided. Born in 1797 in Guilford County, North Carolina, Armfield was coming off a brief stint running a mercantile business and, unsure of what to do next, he may have turned to the slave trade at Franklin's suggestion. A few bring up their own ethnic lore. He expected another month on the road. He would stop the group in its tracks, pull out his purse and pay the man. He called it Fairvue. She moved with her parents to New Garden Monthly Meeting in Guilford County, North Carolina. Their plan was to leave a few slaves behind with Sarah as house servants and for William to march nearly all the rest to Natchez and New Orleans. In Virginia, the coffles marched from town to town. I work for the government, I go to church, have two kids, and I say this story is too painful. I grew up in the Deep South, and I am familiar with such ideas, shared by many whites in Mr. Thomsons generation. Northern Shenandoah was wheat country then, with one in five people enslaved and hoeing in the fields. Their success was immense: The duo amassed a fortune worth several billions in todays dollars and retired as two of the nations wealthiest men, according to Joshua Rothman, a professor of history at the University of Alabama who is writing a book on Franklin and Armfield. On September 6, the gang was marching 50 miles southwest of Roanoke. On the lintel above the door you can see in faded paint its old sign, which reads, ___ CHANGE. The St. Louis Hotel was razed in 1916, but it was in the hotel that the Slave Trail ended in the most spectacular scenes. Several factors set the pair apart, Rothman explained: For one thing, their timing was impeccable. Spindly pine and oaks away off the roadbed, a third-growth woods. My direct ancestor is Isaacs brother James. Pretense and bluster rub shoulders with the plain and dejected. A sofa and chair that belonged to Isaac Franklins parents. Some whites went to the slave auctions for entertainment. Who was my mother, says Florence Blair. We had a nurse, a woman who used to be called a mammy. It took four months to assemble the big coffle, to use a once-common word that, like so much of the vocabulary of slavery, has been effaced from the language. Privacy Statement If they are alive, I will be glad to hear from them. A sudden, loud drone from every direction, the natural music of Mississippi. Not a single offer, Waller wrote. If you carry hatred or strong dislike for people, all you are doing is hurting yourself.. Sold down the river labels a raft of loss. In 1857 alone, the sale of people in Richmond amounted to $4 million, McInnis said. Leave a sympathy message to the family on the memorial page of John Hawkins Jr. to pay them a last tribute. His path to the slave trade was less clear-cut than Franklins. The site is empty but for the five markers, paid for by the City of Natchez. The yards were parade grounds that worked like showrooms. Which means that Isaac Franklin was my great-great-great-great-uncle., It is an important gloss, as it turns out: You see, Thomson said, my forebear James Franklin was the family member who introduced Isaac Franklin to the slave business., Taking a seat in an armchair upholstered in wine-colored brocade, he picks up the story. After examining the people on display, a buyer would talk to a seller and negotiate. The public recognition for Forks of the Road is for the ancestors who cannot speak for themselves.. There is great demand for fancy maids, [but] I was disappointed in not finding your Charlottesville maid that you promised me. Franklin told the Virginia office to send the Charlottesville maid right away by ship. People still come to show their money at Fairvue, like Franklin himself. When cotton retailed high in New York, slaveholders in Mississippi bought people. He has been listed in Doyle's Guide as a pre-eminent junior counsel in Wills and Estates Litigation in 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, and 2015. If any man lost his footing, everyone could be washed downstream, yanked one after another by the chain. Thats the type of name I should have had if traditional African cultures had stayed intact, compared to Clifton Boxley, which is the plantation name, or slave name, he says. You know they took advantage of the black women, and there were no repercussions there. Franklin developed a taste for the business and, after taking a brief break to fight in the War of 1812, dedicated himself to slave trading full-time. The phrase sold down the river, for instance. There was also Mitchell, a boy of 10 or 11, and Foster, 20-ish and strong, his prize hand. In Louisiana the top prices could be had for a buck, a muscled man bound for the hell of the sugar fields. In Edinburg, a history bookshop. We would like to see it, if possible. The man at the door, who I have to assume was from the slaveholding side, said, Sure, well give it to you., The man went into his house and came back out with some papers in his hands. Armfield then ordered the men in irons to get in the water. Now I have five adult children, eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. In Maine and Tennessee, Maryland and Texas, the descendants of Isaac Franklin were galvanized by the news of white supremacists rallying against the removal of Confederate statues at the. He had a long dark coat and wore a mustache-less beard. The paper started a column called Lost Friends, a page on which people called out for family that had disappeared on the Slave Trail. A plate of pokeweed yanked up from the field and put on the table is one way of saying a mess. Blair shifts metaphors. This letter from 1834 held riches, and I will bring them out by land was, for me, the invaluable line: It referred to a forced march overland from the fields of Virginia to the slave auctions in Natchez and New Orleans. The headline reads, Isaac Franklin was a Well-liked Slave Trader. The thousand-word piece is the only thing Thomson has published on the subject of his family. Armfield may have been less extroverted, but he, too, drew accolades for his social graces. Across the street, five historical markers stand on a naked lawn. But he stood in the door, in front of my grandfather, and lit a match to the papers. Boxley left Natchez in 1960, at age 20. My purchasertold me that we must set out that very day for the South, he wrote. I had a brother, Sam, and a sister, Annie, who were left with mother. And, always, children. Near a school playground in the middle of Raymond, I find the Dabney family graveyard, surrounded by an iron fence. Nearly 450,000 people were uprooted and sent south from the state between 1810 and 1860. In NC by 1760 - aound then came to NC with son William (oldest ), and 20 other men exploring. Today the road leaving town becomes U.S. Route 50, a big-shouldered highway. He was sold to a man from Mississippi, his mother to a man from Texas. They are each others closest friends and thats rooted in their working relationship, Rothman said. Although today is Sunday my hands are engaged in repairing the road to enable us to pass on.. Then the coffle, like a giant serpent, uncoiled onto Duke Street and marched west, out of town and into a momentous event, a blanked-out saga, an unremembered epic. James Ware, Wallers broker, was having no luck selling the truncated coffle in Mississippi. It was designed by North Carolina's first registered architect, William G. Armfield. While enslaved people waited in Franklin and Armfields holding pen in Alexandria, the two men most likely adopted classic techniques employed by slave traders to enhance enslaved peoples salability, McInnis said. Ser Boxley was a big young man during the 1950s, raised in the straitjacket of Jim Crow. The black churches picked it up. Several of Thomas Dabneys children lie beneath granite stones. A black man asks:I am a middle-class father. John Armfield, slave trader and businessman, descended from North Carolina Quakers who were Loyalists during the American Revolution. Dried Lake Reveals New Statue on Easter Island. Time kind of mellows you out. This article was published more than3 years ago. The letter was the first sign that I might be able to trace the route of one of the Franklin & Armfield caravans. After the Civil War, it held on as a cotton plantation, and then became a horse farm. 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john armfield descendants