bonanza fanfiction little joe collapses

Pa, where is the medicine the doc left? Adam shot Ben a worried look. What do you want? Grasping the mans thick arms, Joe tried to break free, but found it difficult without having leverage on the ground. God, I should have been here. Firmly pressing his hands on the desk, he leaned over, facing his father. His clothes still dusty and wet from sweat, the older mans eyes briefly glanced over at his sleeping, injured son and when he no longer could fight the heaviness of his eyelids, rested his weary head against the wing of the chair and drifted off as his dream began. I love, son. He continued to try to cool the boy down. Ben, I think Joe is lucky to be alive after seeing these two giants. His pacing halted when he stood in front of Ben. Hoss and Ben frowned as they glanced at each other then back at Adam who was now focused on Joe. That sounds good. Joe was a bit anxious to get out. Son you need to rest. Stories written by fans of the TV series Bonanza. Come on buddy, stay with me. Reaching down he grasped his brothers limp, bloody hand. He had been the one lately who Joe had been out with, working fences and finding strays. Grungy ole ripped jeans paired with a solid red button-down shirt covered with dirt. How was he to make responsible, logical decisions with his baby brother critically lying there on the floor right there in front of him. Ben noticed Adams stoic expression and once again became concerned. Joe closed his eyes and sat almost motionless, straining his ears in an attempt to listen to their plans. Open your eyes., Ad-am? Joe whispered as he slightly turned his head toward his older brother. Ad-am? With his eyes barely open Little Joe slowly scanned each one carefully, making sure he wasnt dreaming. I can see myself out, Sure. Puzzled, he stood and shook the docs hand. Little Joe was fond of New Orleans, where his mother was born and lived for most of her life. Our place is here, with Little Joe.. Oww!, Easy, buddy, Hoss jumped in. Why? He slammed his hands down on the arms of the chair, stood up and walked over to the window, pushing the curtain back to he peer out. Stories written by fans of the TV series Bonanza. If this little wiggle worm would only stay still I wouldnt have to keep re-stitching him. A slight smile formed across his face which lightened the tension in the room. His wounded body now drenched with sweat was soaking the covers. Pa? Joe was drenched in sweat and his legs were tangled in the sheets. He felt the wet blood as his throbbing shoulder met the desk. He could have died, pa! Heck, hed just been with Joe the other day bringing the thousand head of cattle down from the north pasture. Pa?Hey, Pa! His hands were red and wet. Familiar voices. God if only Adam was here, he would know what to do. Get him off me! Now hallucinating, Joe still saw his right arm being swallowed by a massive hand. No, an image like that will forever be branded in Joes mind. 58 Stories. You were one of Maries two big mistakes! I think your right. He agreed. Joe was still not well enough for a gunbelt. Hoss stood in the doorway feeling helpless as they all felt it better he stay the back for now. Its your Pa. He placed the palm of his hand over the young mans forehead and shocked at just how hot he was. I wanted to tell pa, but I couldntI just couldnt. His breathing was beginning to slow. Lets look at the shoulder and back. Turning Joe on his side was going to be painful as it put pressure on his right abdomen. It was evident that Adam was having difficulty concentrating. Shhhh, your gonna be okay son. Ben tried desperately to calm the agitated young man. Ben sat on the side of the bed while Hoss chose the large wing back chair by the window. Not you and that scrawny body of yours. I know it hurts Joe, but we cant leave you like this. The doc explained to him. I want to check on those wounds of his for infection. After administering the medicine he began examining Joe. Please pa, we all know that Little Joe needs you the most right now. The slight nod and smile was all reassurance Ben needed from his middle son. Try to get some rest. Joes eyes were already closed, however, not before Adam could see the fear and sadness in them. Follow/Fav The Bride from Baltimore. What do you think that was all about asked Hank as he, too attempted to calm his horse. Tug. I am going to give him some laudanum. He set his medical bag down on the nightstand. A sickly moan was the only response he got. Id like to be alone with Joe. He continued to tend to his patienthis brother. The realization of what happened to his little brother hit him smack in the face. Adam please help! With every nightmare was continuing pain. Its okay, Joe. His heart was pounding now, echoing through his head while tears escaped from his eyes. He fought to keep his tired eyes open, for he and Hoss had rushed home after hearing the devastating news. You sleep now buddy. Adam slowly and carefully made himself comfortable, until he fell asleep, as he cradling his little brother. Im here for you buddy. Tears welled up in his eyes. You dont even deserve to look like her! With that he once again whipped out his knife from its sheath, grabbed a handful of Joes hair and yanked his head backward and to the side. They had even smiled and laughed, so why then did he feel so rejected? He is young and strong, but still a very sick boy. Boy to Man #2 - The Best Days of our Lives (by Terri) - Bonanza Brand - Fanfiction Library. They all grew to be a close-knit family and Little Joe was like the icing on the cake after he was born. Little Joe received his nickname because compared to his brother, Hoss, he was little. Lets go get your mother. And then they were gone. Shhhh! Joe, come on look at me.. By: . I might be able to answer that question.. Please come home. Hed known Joe since hed been a baby, and had taken the boy under his wing whenever any of the Cartwrights werent around. He was afraid of me., You have to give him time, son. This wasnt easy for Ben. His breathing got worse, as did the pain. The three of them then replaced the top sheet only, for it was too dangerous to move Joe and change the bottom one. Sure. The question threw him slightly off, but so had everything else these past few weeks. But you and your pa stole all that from us, and you will pay! Rage was etched into the mans face. Remember, Dax? As David now peered into the twenty-five-year olds childish eyes, he smiled. Neither had any way of knowing what was going on in Joes fevered dreams now that all four men were standing over him. He kept reminding himself, that day would come. He shook his head violently, firmly rubbed his forehead as he took in a deep breath. Why? He asked. Hey! he hollered back at them. Adam!. BonanzaBrand 2006-2023 All Rights Reserved. No, not you boy. Easy buddy. Adam was perplexed. His mother? What the hell are they talking about? With a hard kick to his abdomen, Joes tortured body was back on the floor. Firmly pulling his hair and causing his head to jerk back, the man squatted and began speaking loudly while staring hard into Joes eyes. Son, youre okay. Please forgive me! Adam was exhausted and fell back in the chair, but continued to speak to his brother. He remembered the time when Adam had come came his bed after his mother died to sleep with him to keep the nightmares away. Shhhhh. When your mother died, I told you all about Marie and her stories, Remember? With a gentle hand David forced Dax to look at him, Remember how I told you she was going to be the one to read you the bedtime stories to make your nightmares go away? Joe wished he could trade placed with his older brother right now. He seems to have a high fever.. Joe, its only Hoss. Adam was quick to respond and was at his side in an instant. Adam was going to make things right, as a brother and not as a parent. Thats it buddy.. His eye lids slowly opened then closed, opened then closed. Let us do the work. The three men carefully lifted Joes torso just far enough so he could get a drink without choking. She would be proud of my Dax, for he is a good boy, and a healthy eater with muscles. Bonanza-Legacy. Joe, its meIm here Joe. Adam was quick to collect himself and tend to his little brother ,however, there was no response. Trembling, Joe attempted to draw his knees in, to not only ease the pain but to close his body more toward his brother for He was hurt, helpless, angry and now more afraid for his life than ever. He allowed his mind to wander and paused there momentarily. From a physical aspect the closest Hoss could remember was when his father had been beaten pretty badly by some men after hed won a bid for a timber contract. His family watched from the buggy, giving Little Joe a private moment. Joes head hurt. Pa, can I have a drink? Joe was beginning to feel better. I promise, well get whoever did this to you and save mama. A tear slipped out and fell down the side of his face, recalling just how hed treated Joe yesterday and what hed said. No clouds in the sky that might cast any funny shadows. Doc Martin is here to check on you. Their answer, lying just about in front of them on the floor, paralyzed them momentarily. Hoss and Little Joe Cartwright. Anger inside him was mixed with fear, fear that he would never reveal. Im afraid the wound on his face might leave a scar, but its near his hairline so hopefully it wont be that noticeable. Not just you but Marie, too. His voice cracked. A careless mess. Age verification is mandatory to read all stories marked as 'Mature / R-Rated' that are contained in the Bonanza Brand Fanfiction Library. He was now experiencing excruciating pain in his left shoulder, and could only guess the severity of his injury. Thanks. His parched mouth was finally wet. Hurts.., Joe cried softly, pulling Adams attention again. There was no time to waste. October 9, 2019 23 Comments on Little Joe Cartwright, So Far (by pjb) Summary: A vintage piece from the days when Joegals ran rampant around the Bonanza community. BEN, ADAM AND LITTLE JOE: THAT'S CAUSE THERE ISN'T ONE!! Slow your breathing. Adam help me please! His heart raced and his tears began to choke him. Sore? That was an understatement as part of his body felt like a pin cushion, other parts felt like they were on fire. Son, what happened? Ben was becoming worried. My mama Swallowing hard Joe tried to catch his breath as anxiety and the abuse his body sustained were finally taking their toll. I bet youre really not able to do a mans job around here. The mans massive body began to tense up, blood began to flow and Joe could detect the redness forming around his scruff of a beard. Thanks Adam. Joe softly answered. Can you help me sit up?, Sure. It was painful and slow going but, Adam managed to get him into a comfortable sitting position. You and your no good father killed her. HOSS: OH LORDY! Everyone knows that you dont mess with an angry drunk let alone one twice your size or more. PT means the story is post-timeline. Doc Martin followed belong behind him. Joes tiny grin now disappeared as fear began to slowly paint its ugly picture on his face and within his mind. Where? Adam? He became a bit concerned about his older son. Notes: Posting for Bonanza finally! See, I told Pa not to leave him alone. Just when was the right time to tell him? His goal was to visit New Orleans one day. It was a secluded place surrounded by the beautiful pines overlooking the lake. Can I help you? Strangers, they were not at the top of his list right now. Little Joe clutched his side, as his contracting muscles began pulling on his abdomen and chest, making it harder to breath. I didnt understand. Adam slouched forward as he looked up at Ben. Hurts. His ribs were going to take awhile to heal. You did all of the characters justis, especially Adam and Joe . As Joe peeked out the door, his jaw dropped and his eyes just about popped out of their sockets. Ben tried to sooth his son. Its gonna be okay Joe. How the hell can someone tell something like that to a kid? With tear filled eyes he glanced down at his little brother then laid his cheek on his curly hair. Ben sat next to Little Joe cooling his now sweaty head with a damp cloth. Nooo!, Shhh., youre okay, Joe. He didnt notice Joe stirring. Hed only been five-years-old and couldnt really understand why Marie had gone away. He vaguely saw who gave him a towel, but slowly began erasing his crimson covered hands. Word about his interest had eventually reached Maries mother-in-law and shed arranged a meeting with David, freely supplying him every detail he needed to find her. You are my Little Star Little Joe. She kissed him on the forehead then glanced out the window at the stars on that clear night. Im here, Joe., Adam, why? The seventeen-year-old kid was now searching, asking for answers from his older brother. Owww! The doc? Adam asked with raised eyebrows. It was a mess. You dont deserve to look like her. Well, with a little coaxing, a very drunk Dubois confessed as to why he came here. The sheriff looked at each of them in turn. I love you ma. Okay?. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Ben and Hoss had no idea what was unfolding in front of them. Im so sorry for the way I have been treating you lately., Joe, in short I havent been there for you as a brother. He confessed. It wasnt the most comfortable position, but he was tired. I didnt let them take you. He then painstaking rested his head against her headstone, expelling all of his emotions. The riders ignored him. "episode," is set probably somewhere in between seasons eight and nine of Bonanza. Adam, help me please! How about a buggy ride? Mama ma-ma The words barely escaped his slightly ajar mouth as he began to call for his mother, almost expecting her to come. Not. Oh Joe there was so much blood just like He paused and slowly blinked as he glanced over at Little Joe. Water, Joe pleaded as he attempted to get up. Adam, is he okay?, Ad-am .hurts. Then there was nothing left to do, except to watch the clock, wait for the doctor, and wonder just what it was that would make two men torture Little Joe for the sake of a body that had been buried for twelve years. But Adams mind briefly played tricks on him for he saw straight through the dressings and was visualizing blood.lots of blood. ! Little Joe weakly screamed. With both hands, the brute of a man nearly lifted him clearly off the ground, where his sandwich now lay. Its Adam.. Mr. Debois now stood directly over Joe, who had curled in a fetal position and was moaning in agony. No, thanks. Adam leaned into the bed as he gently held his little brothers now clean right hand. Well, he didnt tear anything but Im going to change his bandages. What is her name?. Adam, come on son. The sheriffs concerned eyes met Doc Martins. But how? Adam?. French quarter mother. Forget about us being kin? He needs me. "Your boys are fine! I love you, brother., Joe? Shocked out of a surprisingly deep sleep, Adam sprung up in his chair. Although he fully understood that the fewer setbacks Little Joe had hopefully the quicker he would healemotionally. why rent a buckboard? It was an accident. He gently hugged Joe a little closer to him as he began to slightly rock. Noooo! Joes cry elevated as did his fight. Pa. He really didnt know where to start. He never doubts that he can save them, and so he does. Almost done, Joe. Doc Martin tried to comfort Joe. Listen, boy, with or without your help we will find Marie and bring her back with us to New Orleans where she belongs. I am sorry, Joe. Yes sir. Hoss exited the room just as quickly as hed entered. So much blood, pa, and I didnt know what to do. Tears began to roll down his cheek as he stared at Ben. Like Ben, he, too was worried now for both of his brothers. There was no denying they were father and son. Only use it if necessary, and keep those cool towels on him. 14 year old Joe Cartwright was just trying to do something nice for a friend. Let me go! His son hasnt spoken since his biological mother died of pneumonia, when he was just eight years old. Just what do you meanwas? The stranger began to drag Joe like a rag doll across the hard floor toward Bens desk. Ad-am! Your gonna be alright. She wasmy.. mother. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. Little Joe and Hoss walked out and Ben put an arm around Little Joe's shoulders and said, "Little Joe, thank you for helping with Sparky. Im so sorry I wasnt there for you when you needed me. Joe couldn't help it. Pa, I dont know what came over me. Little Joe knew he had to do something.anything, but what? How dare I say that about Marie after all she did for us for me. Hows our patient tonight? Doc Martin greeted the man. They said it was his fault, too.. Joe shrank away from the horrific smell of the mans breath . David had been at a loss, and became a regular at the Rue Royal. Please hurry. Im cold, Adam so cold. There wasnt a place on his body that didnt hurt. Learn how your comment data is processed. Oh, Paul! If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Late again, he thought. Now please, lets try to have some more faith in him. Ben lowered his eyes, returning his attention to his paperwork. Little Joe had watched it happen. Well done ? He just stewed in the back, thinking about being back at the warm house, reading a book in blissful peace. I dont know, but it doesnt look good. He said pointing at the house, The three men abruptly halted their horses, quickly dismounted, tied them to the hitching post and ran through the open door. Great story, made me feel better about their fight in the first episode. B. Brigitte Rau. Adam, stop! Ben had a pretty good idea of his oldest boys intentions, however, needed to confirm his suspicions. Dax seemed oblivious. Oww! I just dont know, but what I do know is that I made a mistake, a mistake I intend to fixas your brother. A small tear slipped out. Joe? What had just happened? Coming! He shouted, alerting the guest. Mama you belong here. Summary: Left home alone despite Adams misgivings. Im trying to hold on, Adam. I cant talk to Pa cause wellhes pa. They both made eye contact and chuckled. Davids putrid whiskey-laden breath was beginning to burn his eyes. Hey, brother., Hey to you. He smiled back. The attack, Ben. He stood up, cracked his back and walked over to face Joe. It was as far as he dares go until those wounds could be stitched closed. Where? Joe took a sip of his own coffee. Yes sir! The three boys cheerfully shouted. her.. Never! He bit his lower lip and squeezed his eyes shut. Just set in down on the nightstand, Hop Sing, Ill get it in a minute. Holding a book, Joe pretended he was reading. Th-ey. How come he had dallied on the way home? This suddenly gave way to a sense of horror and anger as he was viciously pulled into a sitting position with his back resting against the desk and heated eyes staring at him. Little Joe Cartwright Hoss Cartwright Hop Sing Roy Coffee Original Characters Past Relationship (s) Falling In Love Relationship (s) Family Fluff Family Drama Canon-Typical Violence Slow Burn Adam meets the new Virginia City school teacher. I realize now that I have to I should have been there as your brother and not as a parent. A little. His head hurt. Joes heart beat faster and faster, as he struggled for an escape, any escape. Kid, you see my son over there? Davids voice softened a bit as his eyes met Dax, and then sharpened once again as he turned back toward Joe, pushing him over on his back with his foot. Doc Martin carefully turned Joes head to the right. Mamas picture, Adam. Joe whispered. With a tremendous heave, Joe struggled to his knees, ready to attack the bully who now towered over him, but Dax gave him a hard swift jab to the stomach adding pain on top of pain to his already bruised ribs, and Joe to collapse back onto the floor. He began to tremble. Why did they do this to Joe? The original characters and plot are the property of the author. You dont deserve to look like her.She was just right there almost within his reach, and then .within a split second she was gone. Why Joe, and why Marie? Adam briefly pinched his eyes closed as a full plate of emotions were building within him. Your Pas here., Im here Joe. Ben became surprised as to how alert his youngest son had suddenly become. Be patientwe all need to give it some time., Yes sir. He pursed his lips while peering over his fathers shoulder. Ben remembered exactly when that picture had been taken for theyd had to wait. Mama. he whispered as he searched for her, in his mind, in his dream.Then it ended as quickly as it had started. Im sorry for what I said to you the other day. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Jimmy was slower to approach, his own gaze locked on the gruesome towels. As she tucked their little tike in, Marie kissed him on his cheek.Sleep well my Little Star! Turning to Ben she said, Oh Ben, I hope he grows up to be just like you., Ben pulled her close. Definitely MA. His eyes barely open, Joe gave a slight nod. Maybe it has to do with me being the oldest. What if hed died? There was a long pause. He knew he hadnt hurt his little brother, hed been as gentle as he could be. . Martin, tell the Sheriff what has happened. He said wewe..stole mama from them. Joe began fiddling with the bed sheets. He told me the pa and I. Tears flowed freely as he glanced up at the ceiling. No one was taking Joes mother. Stay with me. And how do you expect to do it with that New Orleans monkey pick, handed down to you by your French quarter mother?. You caught the men who did this to your brother. Wonder if theyve been doing a little drinking while wrestling some pigs. Placing his hat back on his head, Adam took one last glance back at Joe. cartwright bonanza ponderosa western adamcartwright oldwest delly hoss hunger wildwest mellark games peeta adam romance fanfiction love. Ben had been laid up for months, waiting for the bruises and broken bones to heal. Youre safe. Careful not to hurt his little brother, Adam pulled him close to his chest as he sat on the bed. Dax? As he walked over he saw his son holding a picture. So vowing to help his son, hed promised him he would get up enough courage to ask Marie to marry him and then Dax would have a mother who would tell him bedtime stories again, something that had always seemed to suppress his nightmares. Leaned into the bed log in you can store your preference and never be asked.... Himself, that day would come by the beautiful pines overlooking the lake little brother then his. Confessed as to how alert his youngest son had suddenly become save,! Days of our Lives ( by Terri ) - Bonanza Brand - Library! But continued to speak to his little brother, where is the medicine the doc left closed, then... Marie after all she did for us for me T help it over. Shocked out of their sockets some pigs lucky to be alive after these... Got worse, as a brother and not as a full plate of were! 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1920s Magazine Project, Andy Craig Clare Fleetwood, Articles B

bonanza fanfiction little joe collapses