nswag vs swashbuckle

Developers describe Refit as " Turn your REST API into a live interface ". What is the difference between .NET Core and .NET Standard Class Library project types? no support for discriminators, etc.). @zuckerthoben Thank you for your help with this topic! Below Swagger, middleware API works fine for ASP.NET Core 2.2 or above 3.0 version. The big selling point of NSwag is its ability to not only introduce the Swagger UI, but generate complete, robust and efficient API client code for C# and TypeScript. It is a good practice to put generated codes into a dedicated assembly with generated codes only. @zuckerthoben and others. and assigning actions to documents based on namespaces, like this: If you run that you'll see that everything is still duplicated. Check back soon for a follow-up on how to generate API Keys to perform authentication and authorization on an external Web API. Download this, install it and open it. The above screenshot came from JSON like this: The solution turned out to be pretty easy. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Great, a tool that not only defines and helps enforce an API standard (OpenAPI) but also facilitates testing it! Now that we have NSwag.MSBuild and NSwag.CodeGeneration.CSharp included, we can knock out the remaining pieces. I use Swashbuckle for api documentation and NSwag to generate typed clients. Required fields are marked *. For more information, please see our The preceding action returns ActionResult. I tried ChatGPT for a week instead of search engines, official docs, and Stack Overflow. Thats easy with the Name property in the HttpGet or HttpPost attribute. Since the controller has the [ApiController] attribute, a BadRequest response is possible, too. You also have the choice to use it directly in code, with an easy to use GUI or in cmd. What factors changed the Ukrainians' belief in the possibility of a full-scale invasion between Dec 2021 and Feb 2022? Wait I thought they were completely different things. Never thought someone could be excited about working with APIs but here we are. Set the namespace to the same as the target project, and save to class where it is required. I thus generated a proxy like this: Ran it with build.ps1 -target CreateProxy or build.sh -target CreateProxy on Mac/linux, and out popped a strongly typed ClientApiProxy class that I could consume in a console like this: Happy ending, everyone wins right? Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line? SmartBear is behind some of the biggest names in the software space, including Swagger, SoapUI and QAComplete. I wanted a lighter weight alternative that extended my existing security model and kept my existing configuration. I've created the PR: #5622 To solve that, I needed to dig a little into how Swashbuckle works. Depending on your project, you can also choose TypeScript Client or CSharp Web API Controller. Exact type mappings make client programming much easier for high quality since the integration tests should pick up data out of range easily because of proper type constraints. That involves registering an action convention in Startup.cs. Set the namespace to the same as the target project, and save to class where it is required. Dr forever and was a second series of Telling her -! Hi ShanD M , thanks for your query. With NSwag, you don't need an existing APIyou can use third-party APIs that incorporate Swagger and generate a client implementation. Crack it open and you will see an onslaught of goodies that range from allowing Basic/OAuth to including comments at the endpoint level (which we certainly want in this case): The above snippet is very simple: it leverages the comment xml file created on build (Project Properties -> Build tab -> Xml Documentation File) and it enables the Swagger UI (at https://localhost:XXXXX/swagger/ui/index.html). The Swagger toolchains and WebApiClientGenare greatly overlapping in the .NET landscapes, while Swagger covers wider and deeper spectrum, and WebApiClientGenis optimized for SDLC with .NET Framework and .NET Core, as well as strongly typing. For example, can the JObject be absolutely anything or there are several cocnrete cases, or does it have a minimum common structure for all the cases? Introduce NSwag as an alternative to Swashbuckle when using Swagger, https://github.com/aspnet/Docs/blob/master/aspnetcore/tutorials/web-api-help-pages-using-swagger.md, https://github.com/zuckerthoben/Docs/blob/master/aspnetcore/tutorials/web-api-help-pages-using-swagger.md, https://github.com/zuckerthoben/Docs/blob/master/aspnetcore/tutorials/getting-started-with-swashbuckle.md, https://github.com/zuckerthoben/Docs/blob/master/aspnetcore/tutorials/getting-started-with-NSwag.md, Changed Web Api Help Pages using Swagger, added sub pages for NSwag & Swashbuckle, https://github.com/cyclosproject/ng-swagger-gen, Introduction, mentioning Swashbuckle and NSwag, What is Swagger, swagger.json, Swagger UI, Link to sub pages on how to implement(Swashbuckle & NSwag). Not the answer you're looking for? I like the way Swashbuckle integrates into MVC. Swashbuckle.AspNetCore provides "a rich, customizable experience for describing the web API functionality". The AddSwaggerGen extension method uses the XML file for the comments. ago From https://github.com/domaindrivendev/Swashbuckle.AspNetCore "In addition to its Swagger 2.0 and OpenAPI 3.0 generator, Swashbuckle also provides ." So it seems Swashbuckle does support OpenAPI 3.0. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/getting-started-with-nswag?view=aspnetcore-7.0&tabs=visual-studio, https://github.com/domaindrivendev/Swashbuckle.AspNetCore. * This is optional. I recently upgraded my API to a .net core 3.1 server using Swashbuckle 5 with the newtonsoft json nuget, which produces an openapi 3 schema. The XML file gets created in the output folder itself. These specifications are an attempt to create a universal and language-agnostic description for describing the REST API. Lets see the swagger definition generated. NSwag offers the following capabilities: The ability to utilize the Swagger UI and Swagger generator. These specifications are an attempt to create a universal and language-agnostic description for describing the REST API. Both installers perform the following steps: Install NSwagStudio and the NSwag command line tool Register the .nswag file extension Register the path to the nswag.exe command line tool More information: Important: Choose the correct Runtime depending on the selected Web API/ASP.NET Core MVC assemblies I dont see enough example in online community. How do we use JWT or AUTH for swagger ? There are three main components to Swashbuckle: Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger: a Swagger object model and middleware to expose SwaggerDocument objects as JSON endpoints. Navigating a little further down we can even see the models returned thru the endpoint: Tremendously helpful when trying to validate all the working things. JWT bearer Authorization in Swagger OpenAPI. How to increase the number of CPUs in my computer? By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. https://github.com/zuckerthoben/Docs/blob/master/aspnetcore/tutorials/web-api-help-pages-using-swagger.md, Sub articles: The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". I have already expressed my love with Swagger:) Over time, however, I met Swagger's sister NSwag and fell in love with her even more :). What's your opinion and why ? NSwag does support namespace and enum, however, not worrking well with the Swagger definition file generated by Swashbuckle.AspNet Core 5.0. The OpenAPI/Swagger specification uses JSON and JSON Schema to describe a RESTful web API. @danroth27 @spboyer please review. This seemed like a great opportunity to blog about my experience and share the knowledge of my approach and solution with a wider audience. NSwag can be used to create a C# class, which implements the client for the API. Why do we kill some animals but not others? NSwag also lets you define multiple Authentication schemes like JWT or OAuth2 etc. @zuckerthoben If you submit a PR with these changes, I'll be happy to review and assist with the code snippets and anything else. Maybe we should add a comparision with WSDL, e.g. Personal details about Rachel include: political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat; ethnicity is Caucasian; and religious views . Thus an application programmer may simply exclude the assembly from code analysis tools. Long story short, NSwag doesn't have an IFormFile issues I was solving in Swagger out of the box. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. In the Startup.ConfigureServices method, a configuration action passed to the AddSwaggerDocument method adds information such as the author, license, and description: The Swagger UI displays the version's information: To enable XML comments, perform the following steps: Manually add the highlighted lines to the .csproj file: Because NSwag uses Reflection, and the recommended return type for web API actions is ActionResult, it can only infer the return type defined by T. You can't automatically infer other possible return types. Use one of the following approaches to install the NSwag NuGet package: Go to View > Other Windows > Package Manager Console, Navigate to the directory in which the TodoApi.csproj file exists. It shouldn't be hard to write an alternative to NSwagor Autorest, based on core components of WebApiClientGen. From this point on the rest is up to you! Swashbuckle+NSwag Does Not Support User defined struct Object dynamic Generic Namespace Enum Remarks Swashbuckle translates server side struct System.Drawing.Point to client side class Point. There are three main components to Swashbuckle: Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger: a Swagger object model and middleware to expose SwaggerDocument objects as JSON endpoints. It also supports asp.net core. Why is nswag not included in Swagger file? Whenever you as a backend developer have just updated the Web API, you run WebApiClientGen with a batch file to generate C# client codes and TypeScript client codes for client application developers. Swashbuckle.AspNetCore does not support types with the same name but in different namespaces. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. 6 Which is better nswag or Swashbuckle open API. Then you could describe what Swagger is, what the advantages are and how to use the UI in the main article, then link to the two sub pages. The 1st swagger file is exposed at http://localhost/swagger/v1/swagger.json, and the second one is exposed at http://localhost/swagger/client-v1/swagger.json. Notify and subscribe me when reply to comments are added. It does not store any personal data. NSwag.AspNetCore If you are using .NET Core >= v2.1 and < 3.0 with new API Explorer based generator, you may need to set the CompatibilityVersion Cookie Notice For more information, see Use web API conventions. Though I find it less customizable. 1 What is the difference between swashbuckle and NSwag? Controlling what was in it, less so. we're currently using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore for API documentation purpose, but when it comes to generation of client-side models (Typescript) it seems there is a major drawback of it. This post isn't intended to give you all the details, although it will give some details that I couldn't find elsewhere. Instead, I chose the magical route. The DocInclusionPredicate wins when there's a conflict. But, at least in my experience, there are always a small handful of pitfalls: All of that was until I was introduced to Swashbuckle and its counterpart, Swagger. Unfortunately nothing changed yet. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. and our "What is Swagger used for?" privacy statement. For example, http://localhost:44354/swagger/v1/swagger.json. Me too, I use swashbuckle for the API and nswag when I want to waste an afternoon generating a buggy client . Which is best for the long term in the dotnet core web API project? // your current version of the API and title, // generate a comment xml doc to feed into the swagger doc, "$(NSwagExe) webapi2swagger /assembly:bin/My.API.dll /output:my.api.json", "NSwag v12.3.1.0 (NJsonSchema v9.14.1.0 (Newtonsoft.Json v11.0.0.0))", "$(NSwagExe_Core22) swagger2csclient /input:../../My.API/My.API/my.api.json /namespace:My.MVC.Services.Classes.DataAccess /ClientBaseClass:ApiClientBase /GenerateBaseUrlProperty:false /UseHttpRequestMessageCreationMethod:true /UseHttpClientCreationMethod:true /InjectHttpClient:false /UseBaseUrl:false /output:Classes/DataAccess/ApiClient.Generated.cs", // _httpContextAccessor called in the _generateBearerToken, /// Custom CreateHttpClient so we can force the base URL from the appSettings rather than feed it in thru the client calls, /// , /// Creates a custom request message that adds the BearerToken to the header for identification purposes, What the endpoints actually do, their inputs and ultimately their outputs, Invoking and mapping the result of these API calls from within the client framework, This usually let me spinning up a service, hand rolling some type of, An API framework (.Net 4.6ish to leverage some necessary libraries, API App in Azure), A MVC Site that will consume the API (dotnet core Web App in Azure), Far Future: 3rd party API consumption (leveraging Azure API Management), namespace: the location within the project and namespace of the generated class, clientbaseclass: a custom defined base class that the generaged class can inherit (will elaborate below), generatebaseurlproperty: with this set to true, you need to pass in the API url on your client calls, usehttprequestmessagecreationmethod: call the, injecthttpclient: if set to true the httpclient lifetime needs to be externally handled, usebaseurl: if set to true the out-of-box. To see the generated client code, click the CSharp Client tab: The C# client code is generated based on selections in the Settings tab. Swashbuckle translates server side struct System.Drawing.Point to client side class Point. And thanks to nameof in C# 6 we can keep it strongly typed. Today in this article, we will cover below aspects. The easiest way to generate the manifest file is to use Windows UI application called NSwag Studio. OK, enough of how we got here, lets walk thru some of the moving pieces that it took to get all the things working: This project is your run-of-the-mill ASP.NET Web Application -> WebAPI project with the following references: That gets us Swagger the ability to generate the myApi.json doc to use as a data-contract of sorts between the API and the MVC project. Thus Swashbuckle didn't include an operationId in the Swagger file and NSwag was forced to use elements in the endpoint to come up with a name. And this article is focused on the code first approach, specifically with Swashbuckle.AspNetCore plus NSwagStudio, since these two are promoted in Microsoft Docs. The ApiExplorer only exposed the endpoint, not the method name. How to Add a Header parameter to .NET Core API in Swagger, NSwag OAuth2 Authorization OpenAPI swagger in ASP.NET Core, NSwag Basic Authentication OpenAPI Swagger in ASP.NET Core, NSwag Swagger API documentation in ASP.NET Core. Partially because Swashbuckle was easy to setup and I had no complaints. can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. (Port number may vary for you). That effectively knocks out the first two bullets on my complaints list. This article compares Strongly Typed Client API Generators with Swagger toolchains in the .NET landscapes, so you could choose the right tools for the right contexts. Swagger(VS+WebApi+Swashbuckle) SwaggerWebApiDemo~ 1HuGetS. These are just some of my ramblings. 1 dmstrat 2 mo. 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nswag vs swashbuckle