my reflection about modular learning

modular learning as the concept is being implemented. While we were learning from home, we were also alert to events outside our school that prompted students and teachers to engage in a deeper way than the previous flow of the school day provided. After reading through the material, I have realized that students would benefit from some real guidance when it comes to researching on the internet. I can more easily express what accommodations I need. March 2020 June 2020; Ms. D: In March, Ms. D planned to mostly stick with her curriculum, such that all assignments stayed on the calendar. While students and teachers discuss race and equity openly at school, having regular discussions for the entire school had been challenging before, due to our bell schedule, which has no common lunches, along with students extracurricular commitments to clubs and teams. Provide opportunities for self-reflection and meaning-making. 1 See answer Advertisement jescahernandez9 Answer: My reflection on it is way to long i hope you have time to read it hehe. Im doing the same things. Those who achieve greatness have those three qualities mixed with vision. Module 1 Reflection Despite the advent of numerous technological advances, many educators, parents, and administrators maintain the viewpoint that what worked for them should work for students today. All other student commentators today work with Robert G Taylor, Ed.S., and Jon Harding at the Kansas State School for the Blind. You can encourage and guide reflective learning by asking relevant questions, such as which parts of the material do I struggle with?, which learning techniques work well for me?, and is there anything I can do to make my learning process more effective?. What should you do if you suspect you have a virus?Run your antivirus program ASAP. I also liked how it had different formats to choose from. I want to learn in the classroom because I would miss my teacher. In this EdWeek blog, an experiment in knowledge-gathering, Ferlazzo will address readers' questions on classroom management, ELL instruction, lesson planning, and other issues facing teachers. Templates let us get the job done faster and more efficiently. There was nothing wrong with the way the students were learning prior to the smart board, but their learning was enhanced and brought to a higher quality with the help of this piece of technology. What did you like about it? In a larger context, researchers believe it is a worthy endeavor to investigate the thinking that underlies any term or phrase that is used to initiate and frame change. It would show students that everyone borrows ideas once in a while and that it is okay if you do it the right way. It can be printed/digitized format/electronic copy that is appropriate to learners, and other learning resources like learners . One of the main things from the text reading that stuck out to me was the example of the community program based on the needs of the community. Inquiry based learning is great because it gives students a clear direction. As such, in the following article you will learn more about reflective learning, and see how you can engage in it yourself, as well as how you can encourage others to engage in it. I chose to write and perform a piece of music for mine. Those experiences compared to this year were less than pleasant, simply because at the time, I didnt know what I was doing, and I tended to overwork myself silly. I have seen many students in computer labs surfing the internet unsupervised. There were 120 students in my graduating class, so we did not have the individualized attention like Urban students did, but I am glad we were not given multiple choice tests like the HSQE! Enforcing cyber ethics would be as simple as adding required citations to assignments, perhaps even a works consulted list. Secondly I also work generally rather well to deadlines and the pressure of a looming deadline does not often phase me. 4. This is a quick and easy way to make a crossword. Use of self learning modules in teaching is another form of individual used instructions. As a music teacher, I am embarrassed to admit that I know very little about copyright law. However, success cannot be gained just by going to class, listen and succeed. He has made it easy to understand the work I need to do. Stress is an overwhelming emotion that can deteriorate ones body. At the end of class, we waved goodbye and said, Thanks, and then one by one, my high school students clicked off, leaving me staring at my own face on the screen. After reading the module, I got many great ideas how to better use technology in the classroom. Students need to feel like they are important, like they belong, and like they have something to contribute. The list doesnt include ones from this current year, but you can find those by clicking on the answers category found in the sidebar. It allows them to learn about frogs in fun ways. I do not have much experience with handhelds, so that would be new territory for me. First was the great benefits of project-based learning. One of the high schools I worked in really focused on drop-out prevention, but did not take this personal approach that likely would have helped them. What Would Motivate Teens to Work Harder in School? This is a more complex question, but simple ones are just as effective. I would definitely consider modifying a computer to eliminate distractions for students. A 'Covid Journal' allowed students to reflect on their experiences and feelings during the pandemic. Luckie (1998), wrote for students to succeed, intelligence and motivation are not enough; students also need to understand and become aware of what they do while studying and how they can improve their study skills. Alternatively, in other cases, you might want to engage in slower and deeper reflection, by writing down all the key topics that youve learned about, and going over this list to identify areas that you dont understand well. Why do I feel that they are helpful? I am extremely agreed that study skills are important and here I will discuss on how study skills can help students in their study., This gives me motivation to enjoy every class, since I know that it is another lesson that makes the lives of my students better. Some have died. Our last day of the school year, three months and a week after we went virtual, brought a strange sadness. This model is a recognised framework for my reflection. The benefits of using these resources are well worth the extra time and planning that they would require. This can happen, for example, if you make the reflection feel like a pointless exercise, if you push learners to share information that they dont feel comfortable giving, or if you force learners to use reflection techniques that dont work well for them. This lesson plan utilizes an important technology skill- email. This would give them a better understanding of how graphs work. It has a few key tips that could be lifesavers, like giving students a list of web sites for research. The time came when I have finally decided to take e-learning. Nevertheless, one possible way to differentiate between them is to say that people engage in reflective learning with regard to events where learning is the main goal, and in reflective practice with regard to events where learning is not the main goal. It can also be used by students to practice on their own. Educating students is not the sole job of the teacher- it is a team effort of parents, teachers, and other adults actively involved in the students life. : At first, it was incredibly difficult transitioning from traditional high school to online learning,. I do not like that it doesnt give the correct answer and this may be frustrating for some students. PDAs would have been beneficial in my classroom, or any classroom, regardless of the subject matter. I could use this idea in my music class by having students create a story based on a classical piece of music. I know that it is possible to beam assignments back and forth, so perhaps there would be a way for students to beam compositions to each other? Australian Journal of Adult Learning Volume 53, Number 2, July 2013 Effectively teaching diverse student groups: a reflection on teaching and learning strategies Kathryn Trees Murdoch University This paper discusses facilitating student collegiality within diverse student groups. 1) Create a suitable and engaging learning environment using active learning. This virus site was very informational about the different kinds of computer viruses. Get started Skolera for FREE. A Beginners Guide to Integrating Technology. Reflectionsand Lessons LearnedFrom Remote Learning | Edutopia Teaching Strategies Reflectionsand Lessons LearnedFrom Remote Learning Experiences during remote learning inspire a teacher to reconsiderand refreshher curriculum for the fall. I especially liked the music instrument files because I can use them in my music classes. Beginning with the end in mind is something I have done, but not given much thought. This site would be a good resource to use when studying music compositions. These tools were great because we already have many of them, and I didnt know a lot of them existed! I have decided I need to get up even earlier in the day to complete all my tasks. This is an awesome site for kids, especially in science class. Semi-structured interviews and observations were conducted with 10 elementary grade teachers who . Im always in constant verbal communication with my teachers, I can more easily express what accommodations I need, and I can get to know my teacher a lot better than if we were just communicating over a comment thread in Google Classroom or email. An athlete whos preparing for a competition can think about which learning strategies arent working well for them and why, and then either improve the way they use those strategies, or replacing those strategies with better ones. Today, the first three contributions come from students in Austin Greens 1st grade class in Utah. What specifically am I struggling with, and why? I used tools similar to this to create crosswords for my students in the past, and they are very helpful. Later on in the day, I enjoy just relaxing and having fun which makes for a well-balanced day. Typically a band or choir student will have the same teacher several years in a row. Students know exactly where they need to end up, and there are hundreds of ways they could get there. And if you missed any of the highlights from the first eight years of this blog, you can see a categorized list below. Can a virus get on your computer if you have up-to-date virus protection? The paper presents the importance of using modules in the language classroom to effect autonomous learning among the language learners. This core group of individuals is valuable to a teacher because it gives the teacher a support group and a feeling of support. Accordingly, when deciding whether and how to make reflective learning a shared activity, its important to consider the situation, and take any potential advantages and disadvantages into account. However, potential distinctions between these terms are generally not important from a practical perspective, since they are unlikely to influence how the underlying concepts are implemented in practice. I could use it to talk about the water cycle and find some music-related activities and songs to go with it. If a site passes the first test, checking to see if there is a date of when the site was last updated is important. Students were always finding ways around blocks to game sites and social networking sites. Student reflection on first week of Distance Learning . I think it was much more interesting for the students this way. Larry Ferlazzo is an English and social studies teacher at Luther Burbank High School in Sacramento, Calif. Get the latest education news delivered to your inbox daily. The tech and learning site contains all sorts of teaching tools that seem very useful. Approaching projects, whether large and small, with an eye towards future uses will put you on the path to accomplishing broader, organizational goals. instead I utilized them on doing my assignments. Its titled Classroom Management Q&As: Expert Strategies for Teaching. I have found that it is useful to require the students to write the information on all of the slides before they begin using templates or colors and backgrounds. As such, you want to avoid the potential pitfalls of promoting reflective learning in an inappropriate manner. We have all been through (at least) two major historical ruptures together: a pandemic and a reckoning on racial inequality. This kind of modular content will benefit students and employees by allowing them to tailor their education background to better position them for job prospects and career mobility. I have seen coloring pages with spaces for boxtops, which makes it fun for students because they glue the box tops on the page then color it, and then bring it into school to turn in. I think it is a great idea and I would have loved having a mentor as a student. It is a good way to get parents and students involved in helping out the school. This would be a good site to give students to use when making presentations. If so, why? It would eliminate some distractions and allow students to finish assignments quicker, and likely produce better work.I have not used either of these tools before. Depending on the time limit, completing the activity in one class period would keep things fast-paced, but what would the students do during the two-thirds of the class when they are not writing? I would use laptops in my classroom to have students create projects like power points, do research, compose music online, and play educational music games online. Though I feel like Im not getting a good amount of social interaction from my peers, I find online learning to be much more beneficial for me as a student. Most of my classes are band and choir, but I would have the opportunity to play with integration in my music appreciation class. I found it very interesting that special education referrals decreased in looping classrooms. It is something I want to look into further so that I can teach students the dos and donts, especially when it comes to music. Another alternative learning modality for the new normal is Modular Distance Learning. What Is Critical Race Theory, and Why Is It Under Attack? Most of my lessons met the music standards naturally without much thought. In the future, I would like to cover less material and make it more meaningful to students. For example, in some cases, you might engage in quick and shallow reflection while youre studying, by asking yourself do I really understand this material?. 10 April 2020 "The capacity to learn is a gift, the ability to learn is a skill, and the willingness to learn is a choice" - Brian Herbert, well known American author. Giving quizzes online is something I never tried but would like to try in the future, especially if computers and internet access were more readily available. This involves reviewing them on a monthly basis, at a bare minimum. 5. I found the section of the text entitled Urban Academy interesting because of the experience I have had with exit testing in my school. How do I know that I understand this material well? 2. In Part One, five students from the high school where I teach in Sacramento, Calif., shared their reflections. I can demonstrate how various gods are portrayed in musical compositions. It would be cool if they could compose a couple of measures, then beam it to another student to add a couple more, and so on, until an entire composition was created. Technology cannot replace good teaching, it only enhances it. Rich (Junior) is an all-around student, participating in sports; forensics; and is popular with others students and adults for his willingness to help others. This specific area is similar to the Learning Skills section. The opinions expressed in Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications. I ended up balancing both of these every week. Students will research a famous musician and write a historical report. When I read about the various teacher preparation programs in the textbook, I was impressed and a little jealous. If the teacher makes sure students get a basic groundwork of writing and encourage students not to rely solely on the computer, the benefits outweigh the negatives. As far as screening websites goes, I have also discovered that sometimes teachers can access web sites in their accounts but students could not access those sites from their student accounts. For instance: There are many potential benefits to reflective learning: Accordingly, many studies have shown that reflective learning can lead to personal growth and improved learning. Reflecting on their journals at the end of the trimester, students said that they noticed a shift in themselves from the initial shock and uncertainty to feelings of resignation or acceptance of their quarantined lives. Reflection on the learning and next learning steps . I also could see how, with the right equipment, listening centers or even a class website would allow students to flip through various genres of music over a short period of time, comparing and contrasting what they hear. Tekmom for students Wikipedia Allmusic Being reflective in your learning means thinking about what you're learning and how you're learning it, in a way that helps you understand yourself and your learning better. The information on grants and contests will be useful when I begin teaching again, because I will be looking for funds to increase the technology in my class. The third thing a person should do is check for objectivity and evaluate the quality of the writing on the site, as well as the quality of the links provided. The various lessons on this page are like gold to a teacher. There is so much music that is illegally downloaded and students need to know that it is a crime and does have consequences. 3. When encouraging reflective learning in others, you should remember that the end goal is to help them develop their skills and improve their learning outcomes. Alternatively, in other cases, you might decide to write down a list of all the learning techniques that youre using, and then rank them based on how effective they are for you. To make a crossword later on in the textbook, I was impressed and a week after we virtual... Something to contribute music class by having students create a suitable and engaging learning using! A teacher made it easy to understand the work I need to like. Very interesting that special education referrals decreased in looping classrooms to get up even earlier in language. To avoid the potential pitfalls of promoting reflective learning in an inappropriate manner good to. 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my reflection about modular learning